
"È la gaia pioggerella a far crescer l'erba bella."
Translation: "It's the merry drizzle that makes grass grow fine."


Things I Love About Italy [a series]: gatti

While Italy is not often regarded for its cats (gatti), I certainly have a place in my heart for her many, many feline friends. Italy's cats prowl the streets in numbers rivaling the the many little dogs in sweaters (and the gatti don't leave their *ahem* business all over the sidewalks...). The cats in Firenze are so friendly, and so fat! They come to us when we call and kiss at them rubbing against our legs with affectionate purring and thrusting their little heads into our hands. I imagine that they are fat because they eat so much bread and pasta (just like Ian and me...).

The cats in Cinque Terre are a bit different from our Firenze friends. They are much thinner and more hesitant. Very few came to us when we called to them with one exception: the adorable white gattina (little cat) in the picture above. She followed us all around Corniglia for nearly 20 minutes and even let me hold her! Don't worry, she was a clean house cat wearing a little pink color (complete with pirates!). Perhaps I have fallen in love with the Italian cats partially because I miss my own Bella and Benedetto. Either way, the Italian gattino have certainly warmed this girls' heart.

1 comment:

Grandma R said...

Loved your article about the cats. I know you miss Bella and Bonne', but am happy you found a litte kitten to pet once in awhile. Amber, you are so tendered hearted, you could love any animal,you are like like your mom and Aunt. We look forward to your letters and pictures. Love, Grandpa and Grandma