
"È la gaia pioggerella a far crescer l'erba bella."
Translation: "It's the merry drizzle that makes grass grow fine."


Things I Love About Italy [a series]: gatti

While Italy is not often regarded for its cats (gatti), I certainly have a place in my heart for her many, many feline friends. Italy's cats prowl the streets in numbers rivaling the the many little dogs in sweaters (and the gatti don't leave their *ahem* business all over the sidewalks...). The cats in Firenze are so friendly, and so fat! They come to us when we call and kiss at them rubbing against our legs with affectionate purring and thrusting their little heads into our hands. I imagine that they are fat because they eat so much bread and pasta (just like Ian and me...).


Five Lands and One Leaning Tower

To be honest, I thought the Leaning Tower of Pisa would be bigger. I have no idea why, but it looked a little small to me. Nevertheless, it is still impressive that the Tower really does lean! It's amazing that it continues to stand without falling. But I don't really trust the leaning and opted not to go inside. Heights are not my thing, and the thought of climbing inside a tall and leaning building is not my idea of a good time. Ian and I were content to get a few shots of the typical tourist pose where we are holding up the Tower. We didn't stay in Pisa more than a few hours - long enough to see the Tower and the few buildings inside Campo dei Miracoli ("Field of Miracles"). After all, Pisa was just a short stop on the way to our final destination: Cinque Terre!


A Visit From Home Sweet Home

My mom and brother came to Italy last week to visit us. They flew into Rome, where they stayed for two whirlwind days, and then took the fast train to Firenze. They arrived late in the morning on a warm, gray, and slightly rainy Tuesday. It was so great to have them here! My brother, Brian, had never been out of the country (because, honestly, Mexico doesn't really count) and my Mom had never been to Florence. To have Italy, especially Florence, be Brian's first out-of-America experience was such a treat.


Take a hike - from Settignano to Fiesole, that is!

It snowed in Florence on Thursday. I was sitting in the big, pink comfy chair reading and listening to the rain drum against the window when the steady drum beat slowly changed and disappeared. I looked up from my book and out the window where beautiful thick snowflakes were gently easing their way to the ground. Instantly I felt a warmness in my heart - snow! Just like Colorado. It was a comforting feeling of being at home. I wrapped a warm blanket around my shoulders and stood at the window watching the snow flakes tumble to the ground. Sigh.


Here Comes the Sun and Fun in Oltrarno

After an entire week with no sun, I was pleased as punch when the sun finally decided to show her lovely face. Last week the weather was all doom and gloom - lot's of rain and cold and no sun. I really started to miss the Colorado sunshine! But, thankfully, we woke up to a sunny morning on Sunday. When the sun comes out it's mandatory to get outside and enjoy the warmth!


Things I Love About Italy [a series]: la lingua

While my own Italian is extremely [ahem] shaky (I can order, say hello, goodbye, and thank you, and ask where the bathroom is...that's about it!), I absolutely love to sit and listen to native speakers engrossed in conversation. Although I may only have a vague idea of what is being said, I often find myself completely absorbed by the conversation. The language is simply beautiful, pure poetry to my ears. It's so full of emotion and extremely fun to watch! Italians are very animated when speaking. Their gestures and facial expressions only add to the intrigue of the language.

In the future, I hope to be able to speak Italian if not fluently then at least conversationally. For now, I am content to utter single words and phrases and relish the lingering feeling of la lingua on my tongue. (Currently, my favorite words to say are: tazza (cup), pesce (fish), and giocano (play)). Perhaps I need to do more Rosetta Stone, si?!